Climbing the Summit

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You can get out of breath pretty quickly trying to keep up with the marketing field.

To help Blair Marketing stay in shape, Kip Smith attended the Internet Summit in North Carolina this week. The event spotlights the latest developments in the digital marketing sphere. (Which would include SEO, SEM, VR, AR, AI, and all the other letters floating in the alphabet soup of acronyms these days.)

Summit sessions carry particular credibility when they’re conducted by thought-leaders such as Seth Godin or by key figures from the likes of IBM, Netflix, Adobe, Mashable, and Red Hat.

With brainpower like that dispensing wisdom for two days, this intensive conference equipped us with lots of insights to share with our clients…as well as a few staggering stats. (Like the fact that Facebook’s population is nearly 4 times that of the entire United States.  Or that it would take you 158 years to view one DAY’s worth of global Snapchat feed!)

If you’d like to know more, let us know. We’d be happy to chat online — or using the old-fashioned, face-to-face method.
